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FREE DOWNLOAD: Click Here To Download The Employers Guide to the H-1B Process.

Author: Litwin & Smith

The Department of Homeland Security Has Twenty Days to Provide a Rational Explanation to Deny DACA to Dreamers

The United States District Court for the District of Columbia again concludes that DHS’s September 2017 decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was both subject to judicial review and arbitrary and capricious. However, the Court will continue the stay of its order of vacate for twenty days to permit the government to determine whether it

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What do you need to do to get the E-2 classification?

If you are planning on investing in the United States but live in a foreign country, one thing you should look into is an E-2 treaty investor visa. This classification identifies you as a person who is allowed to be admitted into the United States for the purpose of investing capital into U.S.-based businesses. The E-2 nonimmigrant classification only works

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Visa programs allow immigrant workers to stay with their families

Growing companies often need to have a broad approach to securing the best possible talent for open positions. In some cases, that could mean hiring workers from another country to fill a skilled role within your business. Whether that person has an existing relationship with your company or is a new hire, securing a work visa is only one critical

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Trump’s Immigration Policy Divides Immigrant Families

Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recently announced “zero tolerance immigration policy for illegal entry on our Southwest border” is counter to America’s immigration policy favoring family unification because it will ultimately divide more families than unify them. May 7, 2018, the US Attorney General Jeff Sessions further indicated this administration’s position on immigration and families when he announced that the Department

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USCIS Director Announces Pending Changes to the H-1B Visa Program

On April 4, 2018, the Director of USCIS, Lee Francis Cissna, wrote Congress on USCIS’ efforts to comply with the April 2017 Executive Order, “Buy American, Hire American.” Below is Litwin & Smith’s summary of the existing, pending, and proposed changes that have occurred since the Executive Order: Changes made since the “Buy American, Hire American” Executive Order Extreme Vetting:

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USCIS Reports That H-1B Approvals Historic Low

For many employers and employees the H-1B Visa has become an elusive thing of the past decade as H-1B approvals have gone from an all-time high of around 87% to an all-time low under 60%.1 These charts tell the story of how the H-1B visa became evermore available over the past ten years to plummet 20% below the numbers 10

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Trumpification Adds Social Media Profile Requirement

In response to the Trumpification of America’s immigration policy, the Department is also adding several additional questions for immigrant and nonimmigrant visa applicants. In response to the Trumpification of America’s immigration policy, the Department is also adding several additional questions for immigrant and nonimmigrant visa applicants: Applicants will be required provide any identifiers used by applicants for a list of

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How to sponsor an employee for permanent resident status

Are you a company owner or a human resources (HR) professional? If so, there may come a point when you want to learn more about sponsoring an employee for permanent resident status. While this sounds simple enough, especially if you know how the process will unfold, there are quite a few details to keep in mind. Thanks to a multi-step

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The essentials of E-1 Treaty Trader & E-2 Treaty Investor visas

Trade and investments play a large role in international commerce. For foreign nationals interested in trade or investing in the U.S., the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) offers two non-immigration visas to encourage trade and investment opportunities. E-1 Treaty Traders This non-immigrant visa classification allows a citizen of a county with which the U.S. has a treaty of commerce

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L-1A visa holders (and others) can obtain green card under the EB-1C category

The L-1A visa is a non-immigrant employment visa that allows a qualifying company to send a qualifying owner, manager, or executive employee to a qualifying related U.S. company with existing offices in the U.S. as an executive or manager or send the owner, manager, executive as manager or executive to the U.S. to establish an office in the U.S. The

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